
Protecting kids.  That is our responsibility as adults.  The possibility of child sexual abuse is staggering…1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be abused by age 18*.  We must actively and vigilantly work together to protect kids from the horrors and wounds of abuse.!

We CAN make a difference by :

Protecting kids from abuse
Properly addressing abuse issues that arise
Promote healing for victims and abusers alike
through Biblical counseling

Providing training,  information and resources to attain this goal:

Karen Talbott

My kids have a book called Quick Turn the Page by James Stevenson, and I challenge YOU to TURN THE PAGE…don’t stop at my home page.  See what Protect Kids Ministry has to offer, comment on my blogs, get involved with protecting the kids in your life and let us help equip you.